In Kigali, Informal settlements are a result of rapid urbanization where growth of cities has a considerable faster rate than urban planning processes. African Cities like Kigali faces growing challenges in providing all citizens with access to suitable housing. Most of the urban growth has taken place in unplanned settlements (SLUMS) that now accommodate 62.6% of the population in Rwanda.
“Informal Settlements are neighborhoods where sanitation services, supply of clean water, reliable electricity, timely law enforcement, maintenance of housing, transportation, waste recollection and other basic services are insufficient”.
Main Reason Training Culinary Arts and Nutrition
In Kigali-Rwanda, the worst living conditions are found in relatively small portions in inner-urban centers (Like Nyamirambo where CC-JOBS is operating), where population densities are the highest while infrastructure are insufficiently available.
The urban poor living in informal settlements/slums face a unique set of challenges compared to their rural counterparts. Almost exclusively dependent on the market for food and other necessary items which is great concern to malnutrition issues in these areas, slum dwellers are very vulnerable to increase of prices and other market shocks. The population density of slums, in combination with poor sanitation and limited access to clean water, also translates into high transmission risk for communicable diseases”
Stimulating Entrepreneurship
For Slum/Informal settlement dwellers in Rwanda the situation regarding unemployment is the most problematic which showed by different “unemployment Studies of UN” and determined in our own research programs. The people face great issues regarding the health mostly caused by; hunger and malnutrition.
The youth of the age group between 14 and 35 year represents 39.3% of the population in Rwanda. Between 2010 and 2013, the average annual population growth measured 2.8 %. This implies that the size of the working-age population has continued to increase and has largely outpaced job creation (UN, 2016). Each year 125.000 first-time job seekers enter the labor market. The economy is not able to absorb this number. Only a handful of new labor market entrants will be able to gain access to the formal employment sector.
That’s why thecore focus of our program is on encouragement of Entrepreneurship
Meester Mulderstraat 18
7951 VX Denekamp
The Netherlands
Office address:
KN 201 Street, Kigali, Rwanda
Near Sun City Nyamirambo
+250 783 998 719 - Office Rwanda
+250 788 277 109 - Office Rwanda
(Dutch Chamber of Commerce)