Clementine Uwizeyimana and her husband tells us why they have decided to run a restaurant in the area.
Their restaurant is a very small house where they serve meat, soup and other foods. The idea of the restaurant came after realizing the problem of heavy drinking in the neighborhood while so many people don’t eventake proper food. They sell at a low price so that everyone in the neighborhood can eat, even those with few pennies can afford a nicely prepared full of nutrients meal.
Together with her husband (the village chief) who finished basic courses in nutrition, it seemed easy for them to know what to cook and how to mix ingredients which are useful for their clients although they still need a bigger place to welcome more people.
“If we are lucky to have a big place of our own we will also increase our menu because people are happy with our services and we want to do what’s best for to community.” Said Clementine.
According to them there is an evidence that even grownups have malnutrition issues as many people here drink too much alcohol without eating so in their perspective they think in our Training CenterCC-JOBS we should also include grownups, as malnutrition is threatening everyone in the community.
The people in the neighborhood are obviously aware of the malnutrition issues and their attempts to create measures in the fight against stunting amongst children. However, they need a support to reach a level which is more benefiting, to the extent that it changes the living standard of the entire community in the neighborhood!