Method and Philosophy

Our teaching method and philosophy lies in Competence-Based Education.CC-JOBS uses the “Ngira Mbagire“(support to support) individual sponsorship Model Method : Initial stage-1.A practical study program at established Training Centres, located within the target sector, in Culinary Arts and Nutrition.2.Basic English and Communication programs.Intermediate stage-3.Coaching on how to successfully find employment on the labour market by advising in the application and interview process.4.Entrepreneurship training and coaching on how to open their small business in Hospitality, food retail and creative food industry.Completion stage-5.Leadership workshops and participation in communityDevelopment; encouraging these candidates to improve theliving conditions of their neighbourhood and activelycontribute to their community.

Culinary Arts and Nutrition

CC-JOBS has selected Culinary Arts and Nutrition as the first “Vocational skill” due to the fact that jobs in culinary arts are plentiful; for example in restaurants, hotels, eateries and markets etc., and because it is a vocation in which the youth can establish their own enterprise more easily due to the current positive economic environment within the Hospitality industry. In the future the sponsorship program will be extended to other relevant subject areas and vocational skills.

Admission and Selection Criteria

CC-JOBS Foundation aims to sponsor ambitious youngsters whom are currently unemployed- within the target sector- through our six month Youth Development Sponsorship Program.*These candidates are selected by the Government Sector office Officials – of the Target Sector- these officials are the closest connection to the candidates and their community*Selection Criteria for Youth Sponsorship:1.It must be evident that the candidates have displayed good participation in community development projects, activities and/or initiatives- and shows a willingness to contribute in upcoming community development projects.2.It should be evident that the candidates have shown Leadership skills abilities- within any institution that they have joined in their lifetime- or within community activities of the neighborhood at any given point.3.The youngster should be available for leadership/entrepreneurship training and coaching sessions- and continue their English Communication classes- for a period of 3 months after completing his/her 3 months program in Culinary Arts and Nutrition at the selected TVET.4.The youngsters should have a desire to start a career or business in Hospitality- especially in the field of Culinary Arts. A wish to grow the level of practical skills in this field, should be a leading motivation from the youngster.5.The youngster should have a competent level in Kinyarwanda (local Language of Rwanda); in reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.6.Regarding gender balance; there should be a 50/50 ratio balance between the females and males selected for each sponsorship intake.

Online application

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Netherlands Office

Meester Mulderstraat 18

7951 VX Denekamp

The Netherlands

Rwanda Office

Office address:

KN 201 Street, Kigali, Rwanda

Near Sun City Nyamirambo

Contact Details

+250 783 998 719 - Office Rwanda 

+250 788 277 109 - Office Rwanda 



Registration Number of NGO


(Dutch Chamber of Commerce)

RSIN-number of CC-JOBS



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