Admission and Selection Criteria
CC-JOBS Foundation aims to sponsor ambitious youngsters whom are currently unemployed- within the target sector- through our six month Youth Development Sponsorship Program.*These candidates are selected by the Government Sector office Officials – of the Target Sector- these officials are the closest connection to the candidates and their community*Selection Criteria for Youth Sponsorship:1.It must be evident that the candidates have displayed good participation in community development projects, activities and/or initiatives- and shows a willingness to contribute in upcoming community development projects.2.It should be evident that the candidates have shown Leadership skills abilities- within any institution that they have joined in their lifetime- or within community activities of the neighborhood at any given point.3.The youngster should be available for leadership/entrepreneurship training and coaching sessions- and continue their English Communication classes- for a period of 3 months after completing his/her 3 months program in Culinary Arts and Nutrition at the selected TVET.4.The youngsters should have a desire to start a career or business in Hospitality- especially in the field of Culinary Arts. A wish to grow the level of practical skills in this field, should be a leading motivation from the youngster.5.The youngster should have a competent level in Kinyarwanda (local Language of Rwanda); in reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.6.Regarding gender balance; there should be a 50/50 ratio balance between the females and males selected for each sponsorship intake.